The Cremaster Cycle Cheat Sheet

He's an artist! He's a jock! He's Björk's boyfriend! He's got a bit of a thing about Vaseline!

Now you, too, can pretend to have seen all five films in Matthew Barney's epic, loony Cremaster Cycle without having to actually sit through them, like I did. Nonplus fellow guests at dinner parties who have never heard of the guy either with this at-a-glance guide.

Cremaster 1

Cremaster 2

Cremaster 3

Cremaster 4

Cremaster 5

What it's about

Girl bits, grapes

Gary Gilmore, Mormons, death, bees

Irish Freemasons, the Chrysler Building, Art

Symmetry, the Isle of Man, goats

Death, Hungary, opera

Vaseline sculpture

Fallopian-tube-ish thing on table in airships

Blob inside linked Ford Mustangs

Bar in Cloud Café, models of skyscrapers

Endless gooey tunnels under the Isle of Man

Harry Houdini's shackles and weights

Does Mr Barney appear in the film?






Does Mr Barney get naked in the film?






Do we see up Mr Barney's bum?






Are there topless girls?






Best guest star

Marti Domination as Goodyear

Norman Mailer as Harry Houdini

Richard Serra as himself


Ursula Andress as the Queen of Chain

Annoying soundtrack noise

Industrial humming



Motorbike engines

Ursula Andress singing in Hungarian

Really gross sequence


Creepy bee sex

Mr Barney's colon prolapsing after horrible dental procedure

Close-ups of Mr Barney's scrotum with clamps attached

Mr Barney's genital prosthesis


Marti Domination dancing gleefully with chorus line

The drummer from Slayer ferociously accompanying an amplified swarm of bees; fantastic country and western line-dancing

Demolition derby in the Chrysler Building lift lobby; intro sequence to 'The Order' section, where the Entered Apprentice's adversaries are paraded through the Guggenheim Museum by topless chorines

The first five minutes or so of the motorbike race

Water sprites cavorting in the baths

Sequence that goes on way too long

Hostesses smoking Sobranies and looking bored

Swooping crane shot in a church with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on the soundtrack

Cloud Cafe maitre d' fiddling with lift cables

Mr Barney, as a satyr, crawing through Vaseline tunnels under the Isle of Man

Mr Barney, in Harlequin outfit, climbing all the way up, across and down the opera house's proscenium arch

Ravishing imagery

Closeups of Marti Domination as she writhes around under a table

Jaw-dropping helicopter shots of glaciers in Canada and salt lakes in Utah

Aimee Mullins as a leopard-woman; topless chorines; the Chrysler Building used as a maypole


Baroque interiors of opera house and baths; pearls floating on water behind end credits

What sitting through it feels like

Flying David Lynch Airlines with Gold Diggers of 1933 as the in-flight movie

Going to a Mormon summer camp where there are lots of bees, and wondering if your creepy counsellor is a serial killer

Playing Donkey Kong and reading a book about architecture in an Irish pub in New York while cars crash out in the street

Watching mediocre video art at a motorbike race

Sitting through a one-woman performance of The Magic Flute, translated into Hungarian

Is it any good, really?

Yes, surprisingly. Even the boring bits are still kind of cool.

Definitely. The most disturbing and confusing film of the cycle, but also the most stunningly beautiful. Johnathan Bepler's soundtrack is worth the price of admission by itself.

Yes. It has more dull patches than 2, but is much more fun, and not quite as icky. If you see only one of the series, it should be either this or 2.

No. It's mind-numbingly dull. For completists only.

Yes. Not as out-there as 1, 2 or 3, but it's an above-average art film with amazing costumes and locations, and the soundtrack (also by Bepler) is lovely.